Fun With
Tina Weena Bo-Beena Banana Fana Fo Feena
Mee Mie Moe Meena TINA
Mary Wary Bo Bary Banana Fana Fo Fary
Mee Mie Moe Mary MARY
Scott Wott Bo Bott Banana Fana Fo Fott
Mee Mie Moe Mott SCOTT
Will Will Bo Bill Banana Fana Fo Fill
Mee Mie Moe Mill WILL
Another one:
There was a Ned, Ned buying a loaf of bread
In the store, in the store
There was Ned, Ned buying a loaf of bread
In the corner market store
Use different names after Ned and even change items that they're buying. Perhaps let the children pick what they're going to buy.
Willoby Walloby
Willoby Walloby wee
An elephant sat on me.
Willoby wallaby woo
An elephant sat on you.
Willoby Walloby Waitlyn
An elephant sat on Caitlyn.
Willoby wallaby woo
An elephant sat on you.
Willoby Walloby Wory
An elephant sat on Cory
Willoby wallaby woo
An elephant sat on you.