My suggestions
Chronic pain, sinus problems, dandruff, acne and if you're coming down with a cold
This may not work for everyone but it has helped me. I've actually done research on these issues and I've experimented on different things. I've learned some things by trial and error as well.
Acne:Since I was about 12 years old I've had constant problems with acne, as I have oily skin. Does that mean I'll look young when I get older? Hopefully! I don't like pimples! I'm sure no one does. There's one thing people should avoid or limit if they want a clear complexion, chocolate! Too much milk will cause acne too. I don't drink milk anymore, but chocolate... Here's what helps me; I wash my face with my own mixture of liquid soap (as a base) and drops of ylang ylang oil, patchouli oil, lavender oil, witch hazel and tea tree oil from I put a mixture of about 1/2 cup of liquid soap and about 15 to 20 drops of patchouli oil and lavender oil plus 5 drops of tea tree oil and witch hazel into a usable container. I wash my face in the morning and before I go to sleep. I rub vitamin E cream daily moisturizer on my face after that. That really works for me. if I have a pimple that I want to get rid of I rub in a bit of Clearasil Ultra on the pimple before I put on the vitamin E cream. Now I just have to stay away from chocolate!
Dandruff: Dandruff is another problem I have. Recently, I have found a really great moisturizing shampoo and conditioner from The shampoo is a round bar called Soak 'N Float and the conditioner is called America Dream. All year I've been trying something different. Every Friday night or early Saturday morning I mix coconut oil with avocado oil and apply it to my hair. I either leave it in my hair overnight or at least for a few hours. I then wash my hair with anti-residue shampoo from Neutrogena, that you buy just about anywhere. I then wash my hair again with soak 'n float from and condition with American Dream. My scalp feels great until it's time to do it again. Avocado oil can be bought at Extra Foods.
Sinusitis: For the last 12 years I've been suffering from Sinusitis every winter. The inflammation is in between my eyes. Surgery is not going to be easy! I'm really not sure I want to have that kind of surgery done anyway! They freeze and then burn the inflammation. Ouch! The Ears, Nose and Throat Doctor has prescribed Nasonex...which I've stopped using. I've been using the Neti pot instead. It's basically pouring salt with water through my nose. It actually helps. My humidifier helps too. I make a mixture of eucalyptus oil, camphor oil, with a bit of lavender oil, lemon oil and tea tree oil. There's a spot on my humidifier where I can put this oil. That helps a lot. If using a humidifier isn't an option then mixing the oils and pouring some into a jar with reeds will also work. Remember to invert the reeds occasionally. Also I open a jar of Bergamot from *I've posted more info, at the bottom, about those kinds of jars. Buying real oils is a lot better than buying Vicks. I've heard of a lot poisons go into Vicks...www. is where I get my oils. The Doctor has suggested that I get out of Thompson because it's the most polluted place in Manitoba...I'm working on that one...
Chronic pain: I started suffering from chronic pain six years ago. My left leg had always hurt and my hands. Acupuncture didn't work for me. I'm sure it works for other people but not for me. Accidentally, I had found that if I worked out on my elliptical machine I was in less pain. Shortly after that I experimented on exercising my hands. I'm not in pain any longer, as long as I workout everyday. In the last year my hips have been sore, I find that walking on the treadmill, when I get home from work, enables my hips to be pain free. I went hiking today and I realized that that's why my hips started hurting in the first place. I used to walk 1 to 2 hours everyday; I don't anymore. I haven't really been walking much at all for the last 2 and a half years. It isn't really fair, is it? But at least I can still walk. I should be grateful!
If you're coming down with a cold: When I feel a cold coming on I take Cold FX, Zinc, odorless garlic, Echinacea. I take this everyday until I feel better. Keep some Halls on hand and eat some chicken soup. Rinsing/gargling with warm, salt water works well. Rinsing/gargling with Listerine also works well.
* . The jars last 5 or more years. When they start to dry out pour some water in the jar. Here's a list of some of their jars:
Apple: Inhibitor of undesirable odours, moth repellent, appetite suppressor, memory booster.
Bergamot: Relaxant and sedative, good for flu, sinus, inflammation, excellent air purifier.
Chamomile: Insomnia, nervous tension, good for stress and anxiety, very relaxing.
Cinnamon: Insomnia, stress, appetite suppressor, uplifting, aphrodisiac.
Eucalyptus: Coughs, allergies, asthma, recommended for smokers. Repels fleas.
Frankincense: Relaxing, feeling of well being, excellent air purifier, bronchitis, coughs.
Grapefruit: Appetite suppressor, stress reduction, helps emotional stimulation.
Jasmine: Stimulant, useful with apathy, listlessness, indifference, depression, odour suppressor.
Lavender: High blood pressure, headaches, depression, nausea, insomnia, vertigo, soothing.
Lemon: Decongestant, antiseptic refreshing, with mint appetite suppressor.
Mandarin: Anti-depressive agent, nervous, insomnia, vertigo, odour inhibitor.
Marjoram: Prevents snoring, colds, anxiety, refreshing, bronchitis, immune system booster.
Mint: Headaches, stress, nausea, tonic and stimulant, inhibitor of tobacco odours, suppresses appetite with lemon.
Orange Blossom: Anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, relaxant and sedative.
Orange: Anxiety, nervous tension, possessiveness, concentration booster.
Patchouli: Reinvigorates, aphrodisiac, relaxes acute anxiety, checks food cravings, insect repellent.
Peppermint: Stimulates, antiseptic, refreshing, mental fatigue, vertigo.
Pine: Useful for aches and pains of arthritis, chest decongestant, colds, flu, sinusitis.
Rosemary: Low blood pressure, stress disorders, antiseptic, migraines.
Rose: Anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, inhibitor of odours, relieves menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
Sandalwood: Antiseptic, depression, insomnia, stress, aphrodisiac.
Smokeless (Anti-Smoking): "Helps to kick the habit," bronchitis, colds, excellent air purifier, inhibitor of tobacco odours. A blend of of Eucalyptus, mint and pine.
Vanilla: Stress reduction, relaxation, aphrodisiac.
Violet: Fatigue, nervous tension, fresh, delicate, soothing fragrance.
Ylang Top: Nervous tension, stress related disorders, inhibits anger born frustration, insomnia, aphrodisiac.
If you have any suggestions or info, email me at Carol Neill