Whole Wheat Bagels
2 ¾ to 3 cups unbleached flour
2 pkgs. yeast
1 ½ cups warm water
3 tbsp organic sugar
1 tbsp salt
1 cup whole wheat flour
¼ cup ground flax seed
In large mixer bowl combine 1 ½ cups of flour and the yeast. Combine
water, sugar and salt. Add to dry mixture. Beat at low speed for ½ minute,
scraping bowl constantly. Beat 3 minutes at high speed. By hand, stir in
whole-wheat flour, flax seed and remaining flour to make a moderately
stiff dough. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead till smooth
(8 to 10 minutes.) Cover; let rest 15 minutes.
Cut into 12 portions; shape into smooth balls. Punch holes in centers with a
floured finger. Pull gently to enlarge holes, working each bagel into uniform
shape. Cover; let rise 20 minutes. In large pot, combine 1 gallon of water
and 1 tbsp. sugar; bring to boiling. Reduce heat to simmering; cook 4 or 5
bagels at a time for 7 minutes, turning once. Drain. Place on greased baking
Bake at 375° F for 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from baking sheet, cool.
For onion bagels, fry ½ cup onion in butter until soft and add to mixture.
Can add many different ingredients to this recipe: cinnamon, canned pumpkin,
garlic or whatever you'd like to experiment with or whatever you're in the
mood for.
Forever Ends by Carol Hibbs
A move to another part of the province is Gabrielle's greatest transition. It is a turning point she and her sons desperately need. A new and safe house would be a wonderful change, or so she hopes. The house is haunted, or possessed, or something too evil to even imagine.
Gabrielle isn’t planning on any romances, never mind falling in love with her gorgeous cabin building neighbour, Ryan. Bad things seemed to happen to people she loved. It is impossible to resist Ryan, and lunacy to assist Christina, the young girl that is either trapped somehow in Gabrielle's house, or trapped in someone's world. Her sons, friends, Ryan and his daughter, Tess, helps her to save Christina.