Genie in File Box
For Children
5 Little Monkeys
Animal Crackers in my Soup
Animals in the Zoo
Five Green and Speckled Frog
Frosty the Snowman
Ghosts and Witches
Going to the Zoo
Graduation Song
Halloween's Here
Humpty Dumpty, with a Twist
Hush Little Baby
I'm a Little Spider and More
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Eensey, Weensey Spider
Five Little Mice
Listen to the Water
Little Birds
Little Rabbit Foo-Foo
Mickey Mouse March
My Favourite Things
Old MacDonald had a Pond
Over the Rainbow
When Santa got Stuck in the Chimney
Six Little Ducks
The Goblin in the Dark and more
The Marvelous Toy
There's a Spider on my Shoe
This Old Ghost
Twinkle, Twinkle Chocolate Bar
Wiggle My Toe
The Grand Old Duke of York